Men's human heart tattoo on arm with banner
Colorful heart tattoo
It’s complicated. This man’s arm tat shows a colorful human heart with a banner below it that tells it like it is.
Men’s human heart tattoo on arm with banner
The heart in this man’s arm tattoo is a human heart, but it’s designed and colored in a way that almost makes it look animated instead of real. The artist who inked this heart tattoo used red, blue, green and yellow to really make this human heart tattoo stand out. And the man in this photo opted for a banner to be inked below the heart, reading “Complicated.”
It’s really difficult to decipher what human heart tattoos could stand for, since they aren’t the simple heart-shaped tats that men and girls commonly get these days. Since this upper arm tattoo has the word “Complicated” written below it, maybe this guy thinks that life is as complicated as the human heart? Yeah, that seems like a logical guess.