September 8, 2024

Hibiscus blossom flower tattoo on wrist

image reblogged from

Rainbow tat on wrist

Super colorful wrist tattoo of two pink hibiscus flowers blooming with green leaves and a bright blue background.

Hibiscus blossom flower tattoo on wrist

Hibiscus flowers are such pretty flowers for a tattoo. They naturally come in all colors of the rainbow so you can play with the petal and background colors depending on what you like. This tattoo has two dark pink, black, and yellow flowers with green and orange leaves. She shaded a bright blue background in between the leaves as well.

Hibiscus flowers are a tropical bloom and they represent Hawaiian culture. Placing this flower on our left ear means you are in a relationship because it is closer to your heart or the right side if you are single. You could use this tradition to pick an area for your tat for your spouse.