Mai 8, 2024

Girls full and half sleeve tattoos w/ flowers and birds

Girls full and half sleeve tattoos w/ flowers and birds
Some people with full sleeve tattoos and other tattoos inked on their body decide on an overarching theme that really ties the artwork together. This girl, for example, has two full sleeve tattoos and two tattoos on her legs, and the general theme appears to be nature with a focus on flowers. On her left arm, the sleeve tattoo art includes a large red rose blossom on her wrist, along with a very large white and black bird holding a fish in its mouth, which she has inked on the rest of her forearm. On her right arm, she has a full sleeve tattoo that features a large pink flower accompanied by other colorful designs that really tie in well to the artwork. She also has a tattoo on her right leg that extends from her ankle to her knee, and more tattoos that take up almost her entire left leg.

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