April 24, 2024

Girl with chest wings tattoo and sleeves

enjoy :: image reblogged from http://tattoounet.tumblr.com

Girl w/ wings and sleeves

Girls at the beach with tattoos are hot.  Especially this girl with a chest bird wings tattoo and double sleeves.

Beach girl with sleeves, and chest wings tattoo

Man, this girl looks happy.  And why shouldn’t she?  She is super hot, has a bunch of cool tattoos, and stanbing on a warm and sunny beach.  We should all be so licky, I mean lucky.  Anyway, this blond beach going babe has some nice tattoos working here.

On her sleeves, we have some flowers, someone’s face on her right arm, and some cool looking designs going down to her right wrist.  On the other side, there is a nice mermaid in an aquatic scene with stars above her head.  On her chest, there are some black wings attached to a bird-like figure that seems to be holding a skull down towards her boobs and the wings wrapped around a spherical object below the bird’s red and yellow head.  Then, she has a few neck tattoos that we can’t make out.  Make out, ha, I’d give my left ear to make out with this one.

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